Our Role.
This healing work does not reflect all aspects of Amazonian Shamanic tradition. This is about soul-level healing, and transmutations of patterns within the non-physical. The medicine keepers of Ayahuasca traditions heal illness by looking for the emotional and energetic root cause of your illness. We view illness as a state of dis-ease and disharmony within the person’s life. We believe the disharmony takes place on a Spiritual and Energetic level. When left unresolved, the disharmony becomes physical illness. In this context, healing requires awakening.
Your ayahuasca healing experience is highly dependent on the shadow work that you are willing to take on, transmute and integrate. It is important that you understand that the emotions that are triggered during a session won’t ‘stop after ceremony’ they might continue after ceremony if they need to be felt and released. This is an important aspect of this work. The context of this medicine starts once you have decided to drink this medicine, and it ends when you have done the work required for it to end.
Your ayahuasca healing experience is highly dependent on the shadow work that you are willing to take on, transmute and integrate. It is important that you understand that the emotions that are triggered during a session won’t ‘stop after ceremony’ they might continue after ceremony if they need to be felt and released. This is an important aspect of this work. The context of this medicine starts once you have decided to drink this medicine, and it ends when you have done the work required for it to end.
How do you integrate a consciousness expanding experience from such a powerful tradition and medicine into your daily life? How without subscribing to another culture’s reality?
It is by finding your own values and your own connections to truth within yourself, this is integration.

Our focus at Spirit Plant journeys is to provide you with tools, and give you access to the teachings of self expansion and integration through direct, honest and straightforward communication about what this work can be about.
When you come and work on one of our journeys, you are working with your own consciousness.
When you come and work on one of our journeys, you are working with your own consciousness. Providing the set and setting for this to happen safely, is often a matter of undoing, rather than doing. The activities we choose to implement and practice on retreat are chosen in such a way that they do not interfere with your beliefs or necessarily bring any new beliefs to the table.
Our workshops are about coming into relationship with a Sacred plant that will work with the depths of your consciousness, body, mind and heart.